Why Is My Car Stuck In Park

Why Is My Car Stuck In Park?

Hi there!

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re facing an annoying and stressful situation: your car is stuck in park, and you’re not sure why.

Why Is My Car Stuck In Park

As one with a mechanic background, I can tell you that this is a common issue that many car owners face.

But don’t worry, with a little troubleshooting, you can fix the problem and get back on the road in no time.

In this post, I’ll go over the possible reasons why your car is stuck in park, the symptoms to look out for, and how to fix the problem.

So let’s dive in!

Possible Reasons Why Your Car Is Stuck in Park

Faulty brake light switch:

One of the most common reasons why a car gets stuck in park is due to a faulty brake light switch. The switch is responsible for detecting when you press the brake pedal, which in turn allows you to shift gears. If the switch is not working correctly, the car won’t recognize that you’re pressing the brake pedal, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Damaged brake pedal switch:

Similarly, a damaged brake pedal switch can also cause the car to get stuck in park. If the switch is not functioning correctly, the car won’t be able to detect that you’re pressing the brake pedal, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Problem with shift interlock solenoid:

The shift interlock solenoid is a safety mechanism that prevents you from shifting gears unless you’re pressing the brake pedal. If the solenoid is not working correctly, the car won’t recognize that you’re pressing the brake pedal, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Malfunctioning ignition switch:

The ignition switch is responsible for sending a signal to the shift interlock solenoid to release the shifter. If the ignition switch is not working correctly, the solenoid won’t receive the signal, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Issue with shifter linkage or cable:

The shifter linkage or cable is responsible for connecting the shifter to the transmission. If there’s an issue with the linkage or cable, the shifter won’t be able to move, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Low brake fluid level:

Lastly, a low brake fluid level can also cause the car to get stuck in park. The brake fluid is responsible for creating hydraulic pressure, which allows the car to recognize that you’re pressing the brake pedal. If the brake fluid level is too low, the car won’t recognize that you’re pressing the brake pedal, and you won’t be able to shift gears.

Symptoms of a Car Stuck in Park

Difficulty shifting gears:

The most obvious symptom of a car stuck in park is difficulty shifting gears. You may notice that the shifter is stuck, and you’re not able to move it.

Inability to move the shifter out of park:

Similarly, you may not be able to move the shifter out of park at all.

Brake lights not functioning:

If the brake light switch or brake pedal switch is not working correctly, your brake lights may not function. This is a clear indication that there’s an issue with the brake system, and you should get it fixed as soon as possible.

How to Fix a Car Stuck in Park

Check the brake light switch:

Start by checking the brake light switch. The switch is usually located behind the brake pedal. Make sure that the switch is properly adjusted and functioning correctly. If you notice any damage or wear and tear, consider replacing the switch.

Inspect the brake pedal switch:

If the brake light switch is functioning correctly, inspect the brake pedal switch. Make sure that the switch is properly adjusted and functioning correctly. If there’s any damage, replace the switch.

Check the shift interlock solenoid:

If the brake light and brake pedal switches are functioning correctly, check the shift interlock solenoid. The solenoid is usually located near the shifter. Make sure that the solenoid is properly connected and functioning correctly. If there’s any damage or wear and tear, consider replacing the solenoid.

Inspect the ignition switch:

If the shift interlock solenoid is functioning correctly, inspect the ignition switch. Make sure that the switch is sending a signal to the solenoid to release the shifter. If the switch is not functioning correctly, consider replacing it.

Check the shifter linkage or cable:

If the ignition switch is functioning correctly, check the shifter linkage or cable. Make sure that the linkage or cable is properly connected and functioning correctly. If there’s any damage or wear and tear, consider replacing the linkage or cable.

Top up brake fluid:

If all the above steps have been checked and the car is still stuck in park, check the brake fluid level. If the fluid level is low, top it up with the recommended type of brake fluid. Make sure to consult your owner’s manual to determine the appropriate type of brake fluid for your car.

Failed Transmission

If you have checked all the above steps and the car is still stuck in park, the problem could be a failed transmission. A failed transmission can cause the gears to become locked in place and prevent you from shifting out of park.

If you suspect that your transmission is the problem, it’s essential to take your car to a professional mechanic immediately. Attempting to fix a failed transmission on your own can be dangerous and cause further damage to your car.


In conclusion, if your car is stuck in park, don’t panic. It’s a common issue that can be resolved with a little troubleshooting.

As one who grew up repairing cars, I hope that this guide has been helpful in identifying the possible causes of a car stuck in park and how to fix the problem.

Remember, always consult a professional mechanic if you’re unsure about any of the steps outlined in this guide. Drive safe!

Edward Cole
Edward Cole

Hi, my name is Edward Cole and I have been in the car customization industry for a decade now. I also specialize in repairs, so I have plenty of experience with looking after my vehicle and showing it off.

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